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August 12, 2012

SUNDAY SCENTS: Myrrh Essential Oil Uses and Benefits

Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) is a small shrub, sometimes often referred to as a small tree with gnarled branches and aromatic leaves. When the trunk of the shrub/tree is cut or pierced the plant seeps an oleoresin which hardens.  Myrrh essential oil is extracted from this hardened resin.

Myrrh essential oil has an ancient history of spiritual and medicinal uses.  Today, in addition to its healing properties, Myrrh is commonly used to aid in meditative relaxation.

Health Use Ideas
  • Add 1 drop of Myrrh to 1 cup water and swish around in mouth (being careful not to swallow) to ease toothache, bleeding gums or bad breath.
  • To treat skin inflammation such as acne or eczema combined 2 drops of Myrrh with 1 tbsp. of a carrier oil and massage into affected area.  Apply once in the morning and once at bedtime.

Beauty Use Ideas
  • For oily skin, dilute 5 drops oil with 2 cups water.  Dampen washcloth with this mixture and hold washcloth against face.  Do not towel dry your face.  Repeat twice a day.
  • Myrrh is also a good astringent for oily hair.  Use same mixture as above and use as a final hair rinse.
  • To help reduce wrinkles, mix 3 drops Myrrh with 1 tbsp. of carrier oil and gently massage around eyes and mouth area, being very careful not to get any in your eyes.

Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor or licensed aromatherapist.  All information contained herein is for informational purposes only.  Please seek professional advice for any condition you may have.

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