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August 1, 2012

Lily Bath and Body Products Basket

Aromatherapy is all about healing your mind, body and spirit.  What better way to help accomplish that than taking a soothing bath that relaxes yet refreshes at the same time.

The Lily Bath and Body Spa Basket contains shower gel, body lotion, body scrub, bath crystals, a bath fizzer and an eva puff all packed in a cute willow basket that you can use over and over again once your products are gone.

Lily Bath and Body Basket
Lily Bath and Body Basket
Use the gel in the shower and the steam from the hot water will release the beautiful lily fragrance that has a side note of the earthy aroma of ivy.  To receive the full aromatherapy benefits, close your eyes and take time for deep soothing breaths while showering.  When finished, you will feel refreshed and relaxed with the added bonus of the sweet natural scent of lilies lingering on your skin.

When you can afford a little more time, use the bath crystals and bath fizzer to create your own at-home aromatherapy spa to help you relax, again with the sweet aroma of lilies and ivy adding to the tranquil setting.

Whether you choose to bathe or shower, it is always important to give yourself an opportunity to help reduce the stress in your life.  Relaxing with the aromatic Lily Bath and Body Products basket is a good start.

"There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them."
~Sylvia Plath
To purchase this product go to our website:

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