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August 15, 2012

Lotus Blossom Candle Holder

Burning multiple candles like votive or tea lights is always a great way to create any type atmosphere we choose for a given room.  Maybe we desire a family room to exude an atmosphere of energy, while in a bedroom we want an atmosphere of calm and romance. The candle holders we use are as important in creating a desired atmosphere as the scent of the candle we choose.

In the Buddhism culture, the lotus flower represents purity, in Hinduism it represents beauty and in ancient Egyptian cultures, the lotus flower represents rebirth.

Lotus Blossom Candle Holder
Lotus Blossom Candle Holder
When you combine what the lotus flower represents to different cultures (purity, beauty and rebirth), it makes sense that placing one or more Lotus Blossom Candle Holders in your bathroom while you soak in the tub using aromatherapy products will in achieving the desired atmosphere. 

When you take an aromatherapy at-home spa bath, you are purifying your body, beautifying your skin and giving your mental state a rebirth.
Just remember to think about the importance of the style of the candle holder you use when you are creating an aromatherapy atmosphere.  You want to use something that is complimentary to the effect of the scent of the candle you plan to use.

If you want to purchase the Lotus Blossom Candle Holder, visit:

August 12, 2012

SUNDAY SCENTS: Myrrh Essential Oil Uses and Benefits

Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) is a small shrub, sometimes often referred to as a small tree with gnarled branches and aromatic leaves. When the trunk of the shrub/tree is cut or pierced the plant seeps an oleoresin which hardens.  Myrrh essential oil is extracted from this hardened resin.

Myrrh essential oil has an ancient history of spiritual and medicinal uses.  Today, in addition to its healing properties, Myrrh is commonly used to aid in meditative relaxation.

Health Use Ideas
  • Add 1 drop of Myrrh to 1 cup water and swish around in mouth (being careful not to swallow) to ease toothache, bleeding gums or bad breath.
  • To treat skin inflammation such as acne or eczema combined 2 drops of Myrrh with 1 tbsp. of a carrier oil and massage into affected area.  Apply once in the morning and once at bedtime.

Beauty Use Ideas
  • For oily skin, dilute 5 drops oil with 2 cups water.  Dampen washcloth with this mixture and hold washcloth against face.  Do not towel dry your face.  Repeat twice a day.
  • Myrrh is also a good astringent for oily hair.  Use same mixture as above and use as a final hair rinse.
  • To help reduce wrinkles, mix 3 drops Myrrh with 1 tbsp. of carrier oil and gently massage around eyes and mouth area, being very careful not to get any in your eyes.

Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor or licensed aromatherapist.  All information contained herein is for informational purposes only.  Please seek professional advice for any condition you may have.

August 10, 2012

Five Essential Oil Homeopathic Remedies

Using essential oils for air diffusion, massage and baths is very common today among people who use aromatherapy to benefit their overall well-being.  Essential oils can also be used as remedies for minor common skin and health problem.

Below are five useful remedies.

Hay Fever
Put a few drops of Roman Chamomile on a tissue and sniff frequently.  Keep in a zip lock bag to take with you wherever you go.

Soak a white wash cloth in cold witch hazel (store your witch hazel in the refrigerator) and apply to bruised area.  Repeat 3 or 4 times a day.  At night, mix 3 drops Lavender with 1 tsp. carrier oil such as grape seed oil and gently massage into bruised area.

To help reduce irritability, put 10 drops Roman Chamomile, 5 drops Lavender and 5 Drops Melissa into a warm tub and soak for 20 minutes.  Allow skin to air dry for the most part before toweling off.  Be prepared to go to bed immediately after your bath as you will probably feel very relaxed and sleepy.

Sniff Peppermint or Ginger directly from the essential oil bottle.  Also sip Chamomile, Peppermint or Ginger tea if your stomach allows.

Sore Throat
Mix 1 drop Marjoram in 1 cup warm water and gargle.  Repeat twice a day.

Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor or licensed aromatherapist.  All information contained herein is for informational purposes only.  Please seek professional advice for any serious condition you may have.

Relieve Stress with At-Home Aromatherapy Bath Products

Bath and Body Aromatherapy Products
Orange Ginger Bath Basket
Your hectic work week is over, you finally get home from your child’s Friday night game, and you are utterly exhausted but feel like you are strung as tight as a rubber band.  Sound familiar?

Our lives are filled with work, running errands, cooking, cleaning, running the children around to their various sporting events, paying bills, doing yard work, and working on those never-ending home projects.  It is no wonder that we are constantly stressed.  And even when we should be sleeping to repair our bodies, our minds never truly let us get a good night’s sleep.

Spa and Bath Aromatherapy Products
Olive Natural Care Bath Set
Numerous studies over numerous years have proven that stress and sleep deprivation can have a severe negative impact on our health, yet we do not seem to place a high priority on reducing our stress.  Let’s put in to perspective the importance of allowing ourselves just a little time, even a half hour a week, to do something for ourselves to reduce stress levels.

What would happen if you can’t get yourself out of bed because of pain in your neck and back?  Or what if you are lashing out at everyone around you at work and your loved ones at home don’t even want to be around you?  What about feeling so sad that no one appreciates you or everything you try to do?  These are all symptoms of extreme stress.  If left unchecked you stress can manifest to the point that you are absolutely no good to anybody.

Spa and Bath Aromatherapy Products
Eco Balance Bath Basket
Hopefully, you do believe that taking time for yourself to unwind is extremely important.  One of the best ways to be alone, relax and let the stress leave your body is by taking a soothing at-home spa bath.  All you need are a few aromatherapy candles in the room and a great bath salt or bubble bath scent and 30 minutes time.  Soaking in a tub in a candle-lit room is one of the best ways to relax tense muscles and allow the stress to escape.  Allow yourself this necessary luxury and you will be able to recharge your batteries and be the best you for everyone around you.

To purchase bath and spa products visit:

August 9, 2012

Red Hot Romance Gel Candle

Anyone can be passionate but it takes real lovers to be silly ~ Rose Franken

With the hustle bustle of our daily lives, many of us find it difficult to take time for a little romance with our partner.  In fact, we usually place romance far down the list of priorities on any given day or week.  It is time we rethink the importance of romance and quality time spent with our loved one.  Instead of having an attitude of “I’ll get to it if there is time”, we need to actually schedule time and include spending time with our spouse a priority.

Aromatherapy Gel Candle
Red Hot Romance Gel Candle

The honeymoon-phase a relationship or marriage is so easy.  We are giddy with love and our partner is our only focus.  Yet as time goes on, we re-focus on our career, have children, join clubs and build a life with more obligations than we have time for.  Unfortunately, this is when we choose to put the focus of our relationship on the back-burner.  However, this is exactly when we need to put a priority on our relationship.   Remember, it was this person you decided was someone to spend your life with, someone to love forever, and someone who helps you laugh and calms you when times are difficult.  So why then do we put that person last in the exact situations where we need them the most?

To help jump start a fun day or night of romance, consider getting a few Red Hot Romance gel candles.  The color, of course, speaks romance and love.  Add in the spicy cinnamon aroma and you’ve got an atmosphere full of the right ingredients for your special night.  You can chose to place several candles around the rim of your bath tub and enjoy shared tub time there, or place them strategically throughout you bedroom.  The flickering glow of candle light by itself is magically romantic.  The look and aroma of this candle add the extra touch to give a boost to your special time together.

Try to get in a regular routine at least once a week to share special time with only you and your loved one to keep the romance going and keep the strength of your relationship so that you are in a better state of mind to deal with all the distractions and stresses of everyday life.

To purchase the Red Hot Romance Gel Candle, go to:

August 6, 2012

Aromatherapy Himalayan Salt Lamp

Aromatherapy Himalayan Salt LampThe peaceful glow of orange hues of Himalayan salt lamps infuses a natural calm to the atmosphere of any room where you use them.  Himalayan salt lamps are scientifically proven to work like an air purifier.  When lit, the lamp emits negative ions that fight against positive charged ions.  Positive charged ions are the particles that cause us to feel stuffy and sluggish.

People with breathing conditions such as asthma and C.O.P.D. often find using Himalayan salt lamps helpful in reducing symptoms simply by providing cleaner air in the area where the lamp is used.  Some medical practitioners recommend using these lamps to help relieve depression and fatigue.

The benefits of a Himalayan Salt lamp alone make it worth having one or more in your home or work space.  But the Aromatherapy Himalayan Salt lamp has the added benefit of being able to use essential oils in the same way you would use them in an essential oil warmer.

Aromatherapy benefits are becoming more widely accepted, so being able to receive aromatherapy benefits along with the air purifying properties of Himalayan salt lamps make this type of salt lamp an essential.

Essential oils can be placed in the dish on the top of the lamp.  The oils gently warm as the lamp heats.  The salt lamp uses a low-wattage bulb to ensure that the essential oils are warmed slowing, allowing the aroma to release their beneficial properties into your environment.

To receive the greatest benefit from an Himalayan Salt lamp, make sure you use it in the space you most often occupy in your home or work place, such as a family room, bedroom, or on your desk.  Once you become accustomed to breathing clean, essential oil infused air in your space, don't be surprised if you find yourself wanting one for every room where you spend time.

To purchase this lamp, go to

August 5, 2012

Jewel Toned Candle Holder

Jewel Toned Candle Holder
If you are burning votive or tea light candles for aromatherapy benefits or just to fragrance a room, displaying the candles in an attractive holder will give you and others in the room visual pleasure while enjoy the aroma of the candles.

A stylish holder to use is the Jewel Toned candle holder.  The warmth of the jewel colors of amethyst, ruby, emerald and amber add to the ambience the burning candles.  The traditional jewel colors and the modern sleek styling make this candle holder versatile enough to make any décor.

Decorating ideas:

  • Place two candle holders down the center of your dining room table atop a table runner
  • If you have a fireplace mantle, place one at each end
  • Put one candle holder in the center of a coffee table in the family room
  • If you have a large built-in bathtub, place several around the rim to use when relaxing in an at home spa, being careful not to knock the candle holder over as the jewel toned cups are made of glass
  • Place on the top rack of a baker’s rack in the kitchen

However you decide to decorate with the Jewel Toned Candle Holder, you will be very pleased with the “punch” of color this candle holder will add to any room.

August 2, 2012

Harmony Essential Oil Warmer

Harmony Essential Oil Warmer
Harmony Essential Oil Warmer
Essential oil warmers are an essential item to have if you really want to enjoy the full benefits of aromatherapy.  Oil warmers are really broken down into two different types:  1) Electric warmers and 2) Candle-lit warmers.  The type you chose to use is completely personal preference.  I, however, prefer the candle-lit warmers for several reasons.  One reason is that you aren’t using electricity and another is that you can place candle-lit oil warmers anywhere versus being limited to close proximity of an outlet with an electric warmer.  Just keep an occasional eye on the warmer to make sure that the oil has not been depleted from the holder while the candle is still burning.

A very sleek, modern and peaceful style candle-lit warmer is the Harmony Essential Oil Warmer.  If your aromatherapy goal is to try and bring mental peace and harmony, this warmer is the perfect choice.

Try these following recipes to create essential oil blends to help create a peaceful relaxing atmosphere:

Calming essential oil recipe
6 Drops Lavender
4 Drops Roman Chamomile
2 Drops Vanilla

Stress-relieving essential oil recipe
6 Drops Jasmine
4 Drops Sandalwood
2 Drops Ylang Ylang

Relaxing essential oil recipe
6 Drops Bergamot
4 Drops Lavender
2 Drops Eucalyptus

Whether you chose to try one or all of the above recipes, once made, use the Harmony Essential Oil warmer and your olfactory senses will enjoy the essential oil aromas while your visual sense will enjoy the oil warmer.

To purchase the Harmony Essential Oil Warmer visit:

August 1, 2012

Lily Bath and Body Products Basket

Aromatherapy is all about healing your mind, body and spirit.  What better way to help accomplish that than taking a soothing bath that relaxes yet refreshes at the same time.

The Lily Bath and Body Spa Basket contains shower gel, body lotion, body scrub, bath crystals, a bath fizzer and an eva puff all packed in a cute willow basket that you can use over and over again once your products are gone.

Lily Bath and Body Basket
Lily Bath and Body Basket
Use the gel in the shower and the steam from the hot water will release the beautiful lily fragrance that has a side note of the earthy aroma of ivy.  To receive the full aromatherapy benefits, close your eyes and take time for deep soothing breaths while showering.  When finished, you will feel refreshed and relaxed with the added bonus of the sweet natural scent of lilies lingering on your skin.

When you can afford a little more time, use the bath crystals and bath fizzer to create your own at-home aromatherapy spa to help you relax, again with the sweet aroma of lilies and ivy adding to the tranquil setting.

Whether you choose to bathe or shower, it is always important to give yourself an opportunity to help reduce the stress in your life.  Relaxing with the aromatic Lily Bath and Body Products basket is a good start.

"There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them."
~Sylvia Plath
To purchase this product go to our website:

Seashells Gel Candle

Gel candles are always fun to have in the home.  The versatility of color and decorations that can be used in gel candles provide a seemingly endless variety of styles that appeal to the olfactory and visual senses.

Seashells Aromatherapy Gel Candle
Seashells Gel Candle
This is the time of year that many of us are returning from our beach vacation.  After we return home and get back into the grind of work or school, our minds seem to wander back to the relaxing days spent sitting on the beach, playing in the ocean and hearing the calming sounds of waves crashing upon the shore.

You can bring a reminder of those relaxing calm days into your home with the Seashells Gel Candle.  The blue color alone brings to mind the tranquility of beautiful ocean waters.  The added decoration of seashells is yet another reminder of fun days on the beach.  The breezy ocean air scent will fill any room where this candle is placed reminding you of the warm days of fun in the sun.

Over the years, gel candles have received some bad press.  Just follow these few standard candle safety rules and gel candles are no more likely to create any safety issues than wax candles:

  • Do not burn candle for longer than 2 hours at a time.  This applies to any candle in a jar.  This gives the container time to cool down.
  • Do not place burning candle directly into sun light, such as a window sill.
  • Do not place burning candle near any flammable materials such as draperies or lamp shades or bedding.

So, when you come home from work or school and want to rewind your mind back to your relaxing days on the beach, sit back in your favorite chair or soak in a soothing tub and let the aroma of the Seashells Gel candle take over.

To purchase the Seashells Gel Candle visit:

July 31, 2012

Green Garden Soy Candle

According to the National Candle Association, candles are burned in 7 out of 10 U.S. households.  In addition, use of candles for aromatherapy relaxation is increasing.  Candles are always a popular home décor house warming gift and birthday gift.
Green Garden Soy Candle
Green Garden Soy Candle

The Green Garden Soy Candle has a sweet aroma with earthy undertones.  With summertime fully upon, many of our homes are closed up with the air conditioner running.  The scent of the Green Garden Soy Candle is the perfect way to bring the wonderful smells of our outdoor gardens inside.

This soy jar candle is a great choice for relaxing while reading in bed or soothing yourself in the bath.  It is also a wonderful choice for a house warming gift for your new neighbors.  With 90 hours of burn time, the scent of this soy jar candle will provide many hours of aromatic ambience to their new home.

The Green Garden Soy candle will be a popular choice whether for yourself or as a gift.

To purchase the Green Garden Soy Candle, visit:

July 30, 2012

Aromatherapy For Beginners

If you have decided you want to give aromatherapy a try, you do not have to spend hours and hours reading books, articles and blog posts to get started.

Based on all the medical studies that indicate the ill effects stress can have on our bodies, one of the most common reasons people start using aromatherapy is to reduce stress.

Lavender is probably the most versatile essential oil and it is the “go to” oil aromatherapists use for stress relief.  So before you spend a lot of money at a spa or buying aromatherapy products, purchase Lavender essential oil and use as follows:

  • Lavender Spa ProductsPlace a few drops on your pillow at night.  This will not only help reduce stress, but will also aid with insomnia, which is very common if you are stressed.
  • Add 10 drops lavender oil to 8 ounces distilled water and use as a body spray.  Take this spray/spritzer with you wherever you go and apply as needed.
  • Put a few drops of lavender oil on a tissue and place under nose to inhale.  You can do this at work right before heading into that big meeting for your first presentation or in the car if “road rage” seems to be creeping up on you.

Chamomile is another commonly used essential oil for relieving stress.  You can use chamomile in the same 3 ways listed above for lavender.

The only caution you should heed is not applying undiluted essential oil directly on your skin.  Although many essential oils can safely be used undiluted, as a beginner if you avoid direct use you will have nothing to worry about.

So instead of telling yourself you will wait another day or wait until you feel you are more knowledgeable about aromatherapy, go out and purchase lavender or chamomile essential oil and get started today.  As your stress levels begin to diminish, you will wonder why you waited so long.

And finally, just as you would need to take an antibiotic for several continuous days to help fight a bacterial infection, you need to continue your aromatherapy practices for several continuous days to reap the benefits.

July 27, 2012

Decorative Outdoor Hanging Candle Lanterns

Moroccan Candle LanternSummertime is when we plan our backyard neighborhood barbeques, family reunions or just a fun party night with friends.  While you are making all the plans for food and where everyone will sit and eat, don’t forget to plan decorating your outside space.  You will not only impress your guests, but will also set a festive mood no matter the occasion.

There are such a large variety and style of outdoor hanging candle lanterns available that it can seem daunting to choose which design to use.  To help narrow down the selection you need to decide:

  • What is the theme of the party?
  • Do you want the lanterns to blend into the outdoor environment or stand out?
  • What area of your backyard are you trying to light?
  • What size candles do you want to use?

Candle Lantern Most candle lanterns can either sit on a table or hang from patio covers, patio railings or be strung up between trees.  If you choose candle lanterns that are fully enclosed, you don’t have to worry about the candle flame burning any material outside the lantern itself.  And, with candle lanterns, you do not have to worry about having electricity in close proximity to where you want to light darkened areas.

Candle lanterns such as Moroccan-style lanterns come in a variety of colors and styles so they may be a good choice if you want to have a particular color to your outdoor decorating theme.  There are also styles available in plain white or green colors that can blend in to your backyard space if that is what you desire.

Moroccan Candle LanternDon’t forget to think about decorations for your outdoor space as you plan your next backyard party, especially if you want your guests to stay and party into the night.  You and your guests will be very impressed with how strategically placed candle lanterns add just the right amount of that “special touch” to your party.

View our selection of candle lanterns today at

July 25, 2012

Aromatherapy Room Fragrancing

One of the benefits of aromatherapy is mental well-being.  Who can deny that a relaxing or refreshing aroma while you read, sleep or work helps to improve your mental well-being?  There are several products available to use for dispersing aroma from the essential oils used in aromatherapy throughout your personal space.

Aromatherapy Soy CandleOne thing to keep in mind about the aromas of essential oils is that the scent is not as strong as the aroma of fragrance oils.  This is neither negative nor positive.  Just know that if you are looking for a strong aroma you may want to use products scented with perfume oils instead of essential oils.  If you do prefer perfume oils, be aware that while the strength of the aroma may be what you want, perfume oils do not provide the benefits that can be derived from aromatherapy essential oils.

Essential Oil Reed DiffuserBefore deciding which type of product to use for fragrancing a room, you need to decide the mood enhancement you wish to achieve.  If you want soothing scents, look for products with floral essential oils such as lavender.  If you want refreshing scents, use products with essential oils from fruits such as orange blossom.  If you are unsure about what essential aroma you need for a particular benefit, there are many articles and blogs (some that I have published) that provide you with information regarding all the different essential oils and their benefits.

Some of the most effective aromatherapy room fragrancing products are:

  • Candles
  • Essential Oil Warmers
  • Reed Diffusers
  • Incense
  • Lamp Rings
Essential Oil Warmer 
There is such a variety of products you can use to fragrance your personal space.  If you are new to aromatherapy or have never tried aromatherapy, room fragrancing is a great place to start.  The emotional and mental benefits of aromatherapy can be extremely satisfying and with the variety of products available, you can certainly find a product that suits your personal needs to make it worth trying.

To read the entire article about aromatherapy room fragrancing, visit

July 18, 2012

Five Aromatherapy Products That Pamper

Aromatherapy Soy CandleAromatherapy is widely used today and its uses range from relieving pain for minor burns to alleviating stress.  So what products should you use when you want to pamper yourself with aromatherapy?  Mostly, the choice depends on personal preference and sometimes the choice depends on what you want to achieve.

The key to an aromatherapy product is that it contains essential oils.  Products that include essential oils range from candles to bath salts.

A side not regarding bath salts and what kids are doing today:  Bath salts manufactured purely for the purpose of indulging in the tub are made with either Sea Salt or Epsom Salt and do not contain the chemicals that have compound structures that mimic methamphetamine.  Whether you purchase your own or you get a great “gift” from your teenager, just check that the label to see if sea salt or Epsom salt is listed as the base component.  If it is, you do not need to worry about what your children are really doing with the bath salts.

Essential oils are known to contain properties that promote physical and mental well-being.  While it is not believed that the essential oils themselves actually cure physical illnesses per se, the use of the oils on a regular basis will maintain an overall healthier body and help to avoid getting sick in the first place.  In instances where an illness does require medical attention and treatment, aromatherapy can work side by side with traditional medicines to speed the healing process.  For your mental well-being, it is widely believed that certain essential oils can help relieve stress, anxiety, insomnia and other states of mental duress that can also bring upon physical illness.
Aromatherapy Bath Salts
Note:  There are those who do believe essential oils have healing abilities.  If you intend to try and heal yourself with essential oils, it is highly recommended to consult an Aromatherapist who is well trained in the field of aromatherapy.

Following are five of the most popular aromatherapy products you can use to pamper yourself.

    Aromatherapy Essential Oil Warmer
  • Aromatherapy Candles
  • Essential Oil Warmers
  • Essential Oil Room Diffusers
  • Aromatherapy Body Sprays
  • Bath Oils and Salts
So, whether you want to relax with a lavender scented candle or re-energize with a spicy orange scented body spritzer, you will have little to lose and much to gain by trying to pamper yourself with aromatherapy products.

To read full article visit:

July 15, 2012

SUNDAY SCENTS: Chamomile Essential Oil Benefits

German ChamomileThere are two types of Chamomile essential oils, Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) and German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita).  Another essential oil called Moroccan Chamomile (Ormenis mixta) does exist; however Moroccan chamomile is not from a true chamomile plant.  This article will focus solely on the Roman and German species of chamomile.

Although the flowers of the plants can look very similar, the plants are very different.  Roman chamomile is a creeping perennial plant that grows as ground cover.  Roman chamomile is thick and resilient to being walked on and in England many people chose to use this herbal plant as scented lawns.  German chamomile is an annual plant that has long erect stems growing two to three feet tall that blooms between May and October.

The essential oils of Roman chamomile are extracted from the flowers and upper parts of the plant, whereas the essential oils of German chamomile are extracted only from the flower.  While the medicinal applications and health benefits of both varieties parallel each other, the German variety contains more of the active chemical chamazulene and is therefore more potent than the Roman variety.

The main beneficial medical properties of both varieties of Chamomile include anti-inflammatory, sedative, anti-spasmodic and anti-bacterial.

Health Use Ideas

  • Dilute 3 drops German Chamomile essential oil with 1 Tbsp. carrier oil and massage into affected area to relieve muscle spams
  • Apply a warm Roman Chamomile essential oil compress to a baby’s stomach to relieve colic
  • Add 6 drops Roman Chamomile to a warm bath to ease everyday tension
  • For an earache, dilute one drop German Chamomile with 1 Tbsp. carrier oil, dip cotton swab in oil mixture and place in ear for at least 2 hours.

Beauty Use Ideas

  • Chamomile is well known for reducing facial puffiness, especially under the eyes.  Steep a bag of chamomile tea, let cool, squeeze out excess liquid and place teabag directly on puffy area for 15 to 30 minutes.
  • To reduce itchiness of eczema, mix 4 drops German Chamomile with 6 ounces of an unscented lotion.  Apply directly to affected area twice a day.
  • For opening and cleansing pores, make a facial steam bath by adding 4 drops German Chamomile essential oil to 1 quart of boiling water.  Place towel over head to “tent” and put face over bowl.  Make sure to allow water to cool enough so as not to scald your face.

Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor or licensed aromatherapist.  All information contained herein is for informational purposes only.  Please seek professional advice for any condition you may have.

July 12, 2012

Homemade Aromatherapy Body Sprays

The popularity of aromatherapy has risen significantly over the past decade, one of the main reasons being that people are turning to more natural, toxic-free choices for promoting health and well-being in their daily lives.  There are a variety of products available to use for creating a soothing, relaxing or refreshing aromatherapy environment.  Some are candles, essential oil warmers and spa bath products.

Another effective aromatherapy product is body sprays, also known as spritzers.  Making your own is not only less expensive but you can also make custom sprays to suit what you like best and provide the benefit you wish to achieve.  Aromatherapy body sprays can be useful in helping relieve allergies, calming yourself when you are feeling nervous, or soothing yourself if you have insomnia.  All you need is a basic understanding of what essential oils provide what benefits.  If you are not sure which essential oil is beneficial for what, there are numerous books and websites available that will help.
The basic ingredients for making homemade aromatherapy body sprays are:

                8 oz. of distilled water
                8 drops of essential oil
                2 Tbsp. carrier oil

The essential oil can be anything from angelica to ylang-ylang and the carrier oil can be one of the many available although I prefer sweet almond oil.
Put the above 3 ingredients into a 16 oz. lidded glass jar and shake well.  Then add the ingredients from this jar into your own spritzer/spray bottle as needed.  You should store extra body spray mixture in a place that it will not come in to contact with sunlight such as a bathroom cupboard or a kitchen pantry.

The ideal spray bottle to use for your homemade body spray is a glass perfume bottle.  First, it is better to keep the homemade spray in a glass container.  Second, there is an almost unlimited variety with choice of colors, shapes and sizes of glass spray perfume bottles, and much can be said for adding a visual impact to the emotional, physical and spiritual impact of aromatherapy.  In lieu of purchasing glass perfume bottles, you can use small plastic spray bottles such as those found in any drugstore, usually in travel kit sets.  However, it is not recommended to keep your homemade mixture stored in plastic.

Start today and experiment with different essential oils to find the perfect aromatherapy spray for you.  They can be refreshing, soothing, calming or relaxing depending on your choice of essential oil.  And who knows; in making and bottling the spray, you may just find that perfect gift for someone special who enjoys the personal touch of a homemade gift.

July 10, 2012


Teardrop Essential Oil WarmerMost people have read many articles and blogs about the benefits of using essential oils for overall health and well-being.  One of the most beneficial ways to use essential oils is through inhalation.  This can be accomplished by burning a candle, placing an aromatherapy reed diffuser in a room, or by using an essential oil warmer.

There are two types of oil warmers.  One uses electricity and one uses a tea light candle.  The type you decide to use is completely personal preference.  My preference is the tea light candle oil warmer.  The burn time of a tea light candle is the perfect duration of time for heating the essential oil, you have more options of where to place the oil warmer because you are not limited to areas where you have access to an electrical outlet, and it is better for the environment because you are not consuming electricity.

Modern Oil WarmerWhen choosing the oils you want to warm in an essential oil warmer, keep in mind that although fragrance oils smell wonderful you will not receive the potential health benefits as you would using essential oils.  That is not to say that you should only use essential oils in your warmer.   If all you are looking for is a way to fragrance a room, then definitely use fragrance oil.  They are typically less expensive and will throw a stronger aroma throughout your personal space.  If, however, you are looking to receive the benefits of say, relaxation, then make sure you are purchase oil that is an essential oil.  In the case of aiding in relaxation try lavender.  In the case of re-energizing try any citrus essential oil.

Your choices of essential oil warmers are almost unlimited and the price you will spend varies greatly.  Spend time searching the web to find the type and style of oil warmer that suits your needs and personality.

Visit to purchase stylish, elegant tea light candle essential oil warmers.