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May 13, 2012

SUNDAY SCENTS: Neroli Essential Oil Uses and Benefits

Neroli (Citrus bigardia, Citrus aurantium) essential oil, also called orange blossom, is an evergreen tree with dark green leaves, small fruit and white fragrant flowers.  The oils are steam distilled from these deeply scented flowers.   It is said that name is derived from a  17th century Princess of Nerola, Italy who used this essential oil to perfume her gloves and bath water.

Neroli has a refreshing sweet flowery aroma with spicy notes.  It is one of the most widely used flower fragranced oils in the perfume industry.  Neroli oil is a versatile essential oil to have at hand for the aromatherapy enthusiast.   It is a great “go to” oil for easing tension and anxiety.   The white flowers used to extract the oil used to be common in bridal bouquets because of its ability to relax jittery brides.  Neroli oil also has rejuvenating effect on the skin and speeds up the growth of new cells for people with mature skin.

Complimentary oils include lavender, frankincense, bergamot and jasmine.

Health Use Ideas

·         Neroli has a tranquilizing effect on the nervous system and therefore is good for reducing anxiety and depression.  Diffuse this oil into the air to relieve nervousness and anxiety.

·         For stress relief, mix 2 drops Neroli with a tablespoon of a carrier oil such as sweet almond and massage into the abdomen area or small of the back.

·         Add a few drops into a night time bath to help with insomnia.

Beauty Use Ideas

·         Add a few drops of Neroli to a mild, fragrance free lotion to use for moisturizing you skin.

·         Mix several drops Neroli with a carrier oil and massage your face and neck to firm mature skin.

 Note:  Neroli is known to cause sun sensitivity, so be very careful of sun exposure after using this essential oil on areas of your skin that are exposed to the sun.  You should never use Neroli on your skin without diluting in a carrier oil or a lotion.

 Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor or licensed aromatherapist.  All information contained herein is for informational purposes only.  Please seek professional  advice for any condition you may have.

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