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July 12, 2012

Homemade Aromatherapy Body Sprays

The popularity of aromatherapy has risen significantly over the past decade, one of the main reasons being that people are turning to more natural, toxic-free choices for promoting health and well-being in their daily lives.  There are a variety of products available to use for creating a soothing, relaxing or refreshing aromatherapy environment.  Some are candles, essential oil warmers and spa bath products.

Another effective aromatherapy product is body sprays, also known as spritzers.  Making your own is not only less expensive but you can also make custom sprays to suit what you like best and provide the benefit you wish to achieve.  Aromatherapy body sprays can be useful in helping relieve allergies, calming yourself when you are feeling nervous, or soothing yourself if you have insomnia.  All you need is a basic understanding of what essential oils provide what benefits.  If you are not sure which essential oil is beneficial for what, there are numerous books and websites available that will help.
The basic ingredients for making homemade aromatherapy body sprays are:

                8 oz. of distilled water
                8 drops of essential oil
                2 Tbsp. carrier oil

The essential oil can be anything from angelica to ylang-ylang and the carrier oil can be one of the many available although I prefer sweet almond oil.
Put the above 3 ingredients into a 16 oz. lidded glass jar and shake well.  Then add the ingredients from this jar into your own spritzer/spray bottle as needed.  You should store extra body spray mixture in a place that it will not come in to contact with sunlight such as a bathroom cupboard or a kitchen pantry.

The ideal spray bottle to use for your homemade body spray is a glass perfume bottle.  First, it is better to keep the homemade spray in a glass container.  Second, there is an almost unlimited variety with choice of colors, shapes and sizes of glass spray perfume bottles, and much can be said for adding a visual impact to the emotional, physical and spiritual impact of aromatherapy.  In lieu of purchasing glass perfume bottles, you can use small plastic spray bottles such as those found in any drugstore, usually in travel kit sets.  However, it is not recommended to keep your homemade mixture stored in plastic.

Start today and experiment with different essential oils to find the perfect aromatherapy spray for you.  They can be refreshing, soothing, calming or relaxing depending on your choice of essential oil.  And who knows; in making and bottling the spray, you may just find that perfect gift for someone special who enjoys the personal touch of a homemade gift.

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